Tuesday 2 January 2018

Multiplication-Napier bones method

Multiplying a two-digit number with another two-digit number would require a Equation: {2} by Equation: {2} grid, for example Equation: {43}times{26}.
Multiplying Equation: {264}times{53} would require a Equation: {3} by Equation: {2}grid.
Follow the steps below to see how Napier’s method is used to calculate Equation: {43}times{26}.
  • The first step is to draw a Equation: {2} by Equation: {2} grid.
  • The second step is to draw a diagonal in each box. The diagonal line separates the tens and the units. Always write the tens above the diagonal line in each box.
  • Start by multiplying Equation: {4} and Equation: {2} to fill the left box on the top row.
  • Equation: {4}times{2}={8}
  • Write Equation: {0} and Equation: {8} to show that there are no tens.
Multiplication diagram - Napiers' method: 4 x 2 = 08
  • Now multiply Equation: {3} and Equation: {2} to fill the right box on the top row.
  • Equation: {3}times{2}={6}
Multiplication diagram - Napiers' method: 3 x 2 = 06
  • Next, multiply Equation: {4} and Equation: {6} to fill the left box on the bottom row.
  • Equation: {4}times{6}={24}
  • Remember to put the Equation: {2} above the diagonal.
Multiplication diagram - Napiers' method: 4 x 6 = 24
  • Complete the grid by multiplying Equation: {3} and Equation: {6} to fill the right box on the bottom row.
  • Equation: {3}times{6}={18}
Multiplication diagram - Napiers' method: 3 x 6 = 18
After completing the grid, add the columns along the diagonals, starting at the bottom-right. We sometimes need to carry over from one diagonal to the next. To get the answer, read the totals down the left and to the right.
Multiplication diagram - Napiers' method showing that 43 x 26 = 1,118
Equation: {43}times{26}={1,118}
REFERENCE FROM https://www.bbc.co.uk/education/guides/zvvg87h/revision/2

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